Hi I'm

Elanngo Madheswaran

A passionate web developer from India

Elanngo Madheswaran photograph


Front End

Angular React Bootstrap Node.js TypeScript Tailwind CSS Svelte


Python Java C C++


Blender Git


Tic Tac Toe game

A basic tic tac toe game with game modes, sounds & user score boards made using react

Live version
CGPA calculator

CGPa calculator made using angular js , with separate sgpa for each sem and cgpa as group with bulk upload feature

Live version
Invoice Generator

Simple Invoice Generator with tax calculation and pdf output made using react

Live version
Morse code to English Convertor

Morse code to english convertor made using react with copy to clipboard feature and easy toggle

Live version
Chess Timer

Chess timer with timing presets made using svelte

Live version
RGB game

RGB color code guessing game made using react

Live version

Contact me